The CyBUr Guy Substack
The CyBUr Guy Podcast
The CyBUr Guy Ep 38: A User-Centric Internet

The CyBUr Guy Ep 38: A User-Centric Internet

This episode of the CyBUr Guy podcast your IQ is guaranteed to go up a point or two as I discuss a more secure Internet possibility in regards to your privacy with with Bill Norton, author of the Internet Peering Playbook, an Internet Pioneer, and fellow SUNY Potsdam alumnus (and my former suitemate). Bill's plan for a safer online experience is fascinating and, hopefully, the future of the Internet.

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The CyBUr Guy Substack
The CyBUr Guy Podcast
Substack for Retired FBI Special Agent and Cyber Subject Matter Expert Darren Mott