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The CyBUr Guy Podcast
The CyBUr Guy Podcast Ep. 84 - Application Vulnerability Scanning Discussion at the 2022 National Cyber Summit

The CyBUr Guy Podcast Ep. 84 - Application Vulnerability Scanning Discussion at the 2022 National Cyber Summit

In Episode 84 I interviewed Rusty Sides and Eric Friese of Checkmarx and Ted Rutcsh of Invicti about Application Vulnerability Scanning at the 2022 National Cyber Summit from Huntsville.

Before the interviews I go on a slight rant about an NY Times editorial called "Why the FBI is so Far Behind in Cybercrime" (Opinion | Why the F.B.I. Is So Far Behind on Cybercrime - The New York Times ( Needless to say, I have thoughts...

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The CyBUr Guy Substack
The CyBUr Guy Podcast
Substack for Retired FBI Special Agent and Cyber Subject Matter Expert Darren Mott