The CyBUr Guy Substack
The CyBUr Guy Podcast
The CyBUr Guy Podcast Episode 89 - Tracey Hawkins ”The Safety Lady”

The CyBUr Guy Podcast Episode 89 - Tracey Hawkins ”The Safety Lady”

In this episode I interview Tracey Hawkins - "The Safety Lady" about her career arc, how she became the "Safety Lady" and the threats posed by AI-generated content like ChatGPT, Dall-E and the like.  I also talk about some recent data breaches, especially one that doesn't bode well for our hamburger/french fry obsession.....  Give a listen, Tell a Friend.

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The CyBUr Guy Substack
The CyBUr Guy Podcast
Substack for Retired FBI Special Agent and Cyber Subject Matter Expert Darren Mott