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The CyBUr Guy Podcast
The CyBUr Guy Podcast V2.0 Ep5 - Newly Minted Retired FBI Agent Scot Huntsberry

The CyBUr Guy Podcast V2.0 Ep5 - Newly Minted Retired FBI Agent Scot Huntsberry

In this episode I welcome newly retired fellow FBI SSA Scot Huntsberry to talk about his career, and an important crimes against children case he ran in the early 2002s that highlights the important work the FBI has done in this arena for decades. The educational piece of the week is what crimes against children is, and the threat of the week is Kaspersky Labs.  Give a listen, tell a friend.

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The CyBUr Guy Substack
The CyBUr Guy Podcast
Substack for Retired FBI Special Agent and Cyber Subject Matter Expert Darren Mott