The CyBUr Guy Substack
The CyBUr Guy Podcast
The CyBUr Guy Podcast V2.0 Ep6: The worst April Fools ever

The CyBUr Guy Podcast V2.0 Ep6: The worst April Fools ever

I'm joined by Jimmy Arbelaez to discuss what he thought started off as an April Fools prank was actually the FBI telling him his company had been compromised by Chinese Actors.

I also provide a look at the history of State-sponsored cyber threats and discuss Operation Eagle Sweep, a successful international takedown of a BEC ring.

Thanks for listening.  Feel free to email me at or follow me at

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The CyBUr Guy Substack
The CyBUr Guy Podcast
Substack for Retired FBI Special Agent and Cyber Subject Matter Expert Darren Mott